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Empire State of Mind: Adventure Kits for Traveling Tots & Tykes

TravelPost Category - TravelTravel - Post Category - Inspiration & TipsInspiration & Tips

As a Hong Kong mother, I’ve been thinking a lot about NYC lately – between Hubby’s semi-frequent trips, baby store envy (Giggle, Z’Baby Company, Buy Buy Baby…just to name a few), and dreams of more stroller-friendly streets (could HK be any more UN-friendly to those of us with wheels?), our old hometown of the Big Apple has been on my mind…

Summer is around the corner, and for many that means a trip Stateside. For those of us who will be hitting up NYC with the kiddies, this little adventure kit is for you:

Look Out World, Here I Come is an adventure kit that teaches, entertains and excites young children about travel.

Created by child-development experts and designed for little travelers from age 2 and up, their first kit is devoted to discovering the magic of New York City.

The interactive DVD helps kids experience the real sights and sounds of NYC with colorful, fun, and interactive animation. And the 36 page discovery book includes fun activities like “build your own Empire State building”, “find shapes and colors”, “make New York City pizza”, “play the taxi game”, and “dress up like the Statue of Liberty”.

Available – with international shipping – on their website.  More adventures in other cities will be available soon.

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