21 Nov‘20 - 03 Jan‘21

Alien Planet Christmas Party

SMHK Events Alien Olympian CIty
Post Category - Fun + Games , Learn + GrowFun + Games , Learn + Grow

As one of the city’s very first event specifically conceived by and catered towards the little ones, the Alien Planet Christmas Party is here to take the kids to space and meet the aliens! From learning alien Christmas songs to inventing alien languages, the event aims to encourage children to unleash their creativity this winter. In addition, you’ll also find STEM workshops, storytelling sessions, and other exciting activities.

Time: 12pm to 8pm

Image courtesy of Olympian City.

Event Price

Free entry!

Event Location

Atrium, Olympian City Phase 2
18 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon, Kowloon
visit site