Your child’s astrological sign determines their general personality, their health as well as their compatibility and interaction with others. However, what determines them as true individuals and their true personal potential is determined by their day of birth.
In Chinese Astrology one important aspect to consider is that any babe born before 4th February 2013 will be still be considered to be a Water Dragon and not a Water Snake. The classically “poetic” name for babes born on or after February 4th 2013 will be Snake in the Grass babies.
The Snake, which is the earthly counterpart of the Dragon, has the ability to be re-born by shedding its skin for new. The snake is a symbol of many areas of medicine due to its amazing healing powers and the ability to thrive in difficult situations, and this will be the essence of those born in 2013.
Traits and characteristics of your little Snake.
The general characteristics of a Snake baby will be one of strength and spiritual awareness. Snake children are considered to have very strong survival instincts, and being naturally spiritual little souls they possess a great sense of compassion from an early age, and are sensitive to their environment. Born with great sense of self, decisiveness, organisational skills, self discipline and intelligence, these traits may well show early in their development.
Just as water seeps through practically any barrier, so does a child born in this Water Snake year. Born with an all-encompassing influence due to their profound and natural insights, together with a gifted and strong nature, snake babies are born leaders, and babies born in 2013 will have great mental strength and abilities.
During their development, they will enjoy being read to and may well be pacified by music from an early age. They may well have a well-developed sense of taste, and so may generally be good eaters.
Artistic and sensitive, the water snake babe is gifted with an inquisitive as well as a positive nature, persevering with tasks at home and school. Possessing a natural aptitude to learning, the snake child will be futuristic as well as realistic so quite the pioneer!
Snake children will always be able to fend for themselves, knowing precisely how to attract helpful people to them at just the right time to maximise their luck. They have the foresight to be able to use people and situations to their best advantage.
On a less positive note, the snake child is a complex personality; quiet, alert and intelligent and these children tend to be born with rather anxious natures so during the early years they may need constant reassurance.
Generally secretive, and often with rather a brooding nature, the best advice for any parent of a snake child is to not indulge them in their emotions too much, as a snake child is born with an awareness of their natural charms and can become sulky and temperamental when not given their way!
Most compatible siblings: Ox & Rooster
Least compatible sibling: Pig
Burning the following oils may help to align pregnancy energy (always consult your doctor before using any essential oils in pregnancy!)
Bergamot, fennel, geranium, jasmine, Roman chamomile and rose.