11 Jul‘18

“Shaping The Human Body” Exhbition Guided Tour

Post Category - Arts + Culture , Learn + GrowArts + Culture , Learn + Grow

Get ready to learn! Join the 20 minute English-speaking tour to learn about the art exhibit “Shaping The Human Body.” This exhibition highlights ten Italian sculptures complete with Goth art and architecture in Lombardia. You will learn about the development of the Renaissance style. The individual pieces include works by Florentine master sculptors such as Pacio Bertini, Francesco di Valdambrino, Donatello and members of the Della Robbia family. There is a maximum of 30 people per tour so sign up now!

*The tour lasts for 20 minutes only. If there are over 15 participants, we will have 2 sessions: 11:00-11:20 and 11:20-11:40. You are welcome to stay or visit other exhibitions after the tour. The exhibit will go on till 12 August.

Time: Wednesday, 11 July 2018 at 11am

Feature image courtesy of Mike Gorrell via Unsplash

Event Price

Free admission!

Event Location

The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU)