Do you need to book dental appointments for the whole family? The HKMC Dental and Maxillofacial Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology for all your oral health needs. The Centre prides itself on providing a high quality and professional dental services, so you can rest assured you’re in good hands here.
Based in Central, the HKMC Dental and Maxillofacial Centre has a wide range of dental and maxillofacial services which includes oral health assessments and oral cancer screening. You can also book dental appointments for white fillings, hygiene treatments, implants, extractions (from simple to wisdom teeth), crowns, bridges and veneers, root canal treatments, teeth whitening and cosmetic treatments. There are also less conventional dental services available including treatments for temporomandibular joint disorders, snoring therapy and sleep apnoea cases.
The centre has other medical departments. With a specialist Family Medicine clinic that includes a paediatric centre, as well.
Book in with the medical team today to see how your family can benefit.
HKMC Dental And Maxillofacial Centre, 2230 5199, WhatsApp: 5118 1886, [email protected], Follow on Facebook: Hong Kong Medical Consultants, follow on Instagram: hkmedicalconsultants