This informative and personalised Post Natal Workshop with Flex’s senior Pilates instructor, Nicole Serje, is split over two sessions to help you in your postpartum recovery. The Day 1 session will introduce the essential elements needed for optimal postnatal recovery. There will also be a focus on re-aligning your core. It will also include an individual assessment for diastasis recti. The Day 2 session will include a review of exercises from the first session and then continue to build on them.
The sessions will be conducted at Flex Studio in Central in May and the Wong Chuk Hang studio in June.
Central Studio:
Day 1: Friday, 15 May, 4pm to 5:15pm
Day 2: Friday, 29 May, 4pm to 5:15pm
Wong Chuk Hang Studio:
Day 1: Wednesday, 10 June, 11:30am to 12:245pm
Day 2: Wednesday, 17 June, 11:30am to 12:245pm
Image courtesy of Flex Studios.