Acne doesn’t just affect moody teens: mamas get it too! Here are some easy tips on getting better skin.
I over indulged in 2016. There, I said it! I feel as though I have stepped back in time. Right back to 1998. Here I am staring at myself in the mirror wondering, how on earth will I get rid of all these spots? Clearly my body missed the time machine memo though, as I am staring at a lady who is clearly run ragged with kids and ate one to many mince pies this Christmas!
All jokes aside, after the excesses of the holiday celebrations, I’m sure many mamas are feeling their skin is looking a little lacklustre. I know I am in dire need of reawakening my complexion. New year, new me being the time that is traditionally the time of new beginnings. People like to use this time to clean their homes and personal spaces in order to make space for new things to come. Just like your home, your skin needs some cleaning up, too. You have spent the last month absorbing toxins and pollutants through your skin and the foods you eat.
A few tips from me the 31-year-old spotty teen…
1. Healthy lifestyle
So I do realise that it is that we are well into the new year and exercise may not be on the to do list just yet – even if we know it is inevitable. If you are facing a face of spots and have something special coming up one of the best things you can do is exercise. I know it’s the dreaded “E” word, but hear us out! Sweating helps clear out pores. It increases blood flow to your face which helps clear up the problematic areas and makes your skin look radiant. Time to get moving, mamas…
2. Make up detox
Go make up free for a change. While there are so many cosmetic products on the market that claim they do not clog up your pores, play it safe. After you have broken out, let your skin breathe freely without adding anything to it. If a ladies night pops up and you still have a few spots left, whip out your favourite concealer. Just make sure you wash your face before going to sleep!
Read more: Organic Makeup: Our Top 7 Natural Beauty Product Picks
3. Moisture, moisture, moisture
I hate that word, however it needs to be said – drying out acne-stricken skin will not only give you even more skin problems, but it won’t even successfully get rid of your original acne problem. If I had a holy grail tip it would be that maintaining hydrated skin is crucial to fighting off acne. If your sebaceous glands sense you’re skin is drying out, they will start to pump out even more oil then normal – which is the last thing you need if you are trying to get rid of acne. So, if you only remember one tip in reducing acne… Oily skin still needs to be moisturised.
4. Scrub, scrub, scrub
Your skin is your largest organ and one of the primary organs of elimination. Saunas, baths and steams rooms are great detoxification aids, as they will help you sweat, which will help you eliminate up to 25% of toxins and debris from your body through your skin. Make sure you use non-comedogenic moisturisers (the ones that don’t clog your pores), and treat the breakout with a wash that contains salicylic acid. Obviously it goes without saying that you should make sure the towels you use to wash your face, are fresh and clean (put down the muslin, mamas) and pin back your hair from face to avoid any extra oils contaminating your skin.
Read more: Skincare in Hong Kong: Five Refreshing Facials
5. Pillow talk
We are aware that once a mama’s head hits the pillow, she is usually out cold. However if you are a mover in your sleep (not talking dance moves) you do tend to sweat at least a little during the eight (hopeful) hours a night. Even if you are relatively disciplined about changing your sheets once a week, if you like me are prone to breakouts, it is not frequent enough. Try changing your pillowcase’s every few days and replace with a fresh, clean one to ensure your pillows are not contaminating your pores.
There you have it mamas: 5 simple steps to get your skin glowing again!