Little J is a toddler on a mission and on the move – and into ev-er-y-thing. As soon as she started to crawl I began to see our apartment in a totally different light and of course we went about and baby-proofed things from top to bottom. I even went so far as to crawl around myself to see I could spot any enticing eye-level baby traps I had missed. And while I’m relieved that we opted for the soft, over-sized ottoman rather the mod glass-topped coffee table with the crazy sharp edges we initially had our eyes on, there are still parts of our house that I’m sure could certainly use a little additional baby-proofing.
If you need a bit of help and a fresh pair of eyes – trained to spot all the unfriendly corners, crevices and cupboards – you may want to give The Family Zone a buzz. They offer a total safety review of your home that will address hazard issues related to the specific age of your little one(s).
And to get you started: Check out this great child-proofing checklist from the fine folks at the BabyCenter.