Here are our top 5 tips to prepare for a
newborn photo session…
It’s only been a few hours since your precious little babe was welcomed into the world. You breathe her in and melt from all the skin to skin snuggles. You gaze in awe at her tiny feet and soft cheeks – you can’t believe she’s finally here and that she’s yours! These are precious moments made to be captured so that one day, you can share them with your daughter as she prepares for her first baby…
Newborn photography can be both exciting and challenging for new families. After all, the little babes are definitely not predictable! One minute they’re happy, the next they’re gassy. There really is no way in telling how they might feel!
Here are are five tips for all you mamas and papas who want to enjoy a smooth newborn photo experience with your little angel to make these moments last forever.
1. Book early – between day 7 and day 10 is the most ideal time for newborn photography
The ideal age for newborn photography is at the two week mark or younger. During this time frame, not only are newborns more flexible (we’re talking about downward dog moves!), they are also deep sleepers. The sleepier the baby is, the less crying there will be.
2. A Full Tummy = A Happy Baby
Feed your baby 30 minutes before the photo session. Newborns fall into a deep sleep much easier with a full tummy and can be posed into many cute and curled positions. Often time the baby falls asleep while they’re still being fed so it’s best to swaddle your baby and keep their diaper on before feeding. Unwrapping a swaddle has less interruption on a sleeping baby than undressing an entire outfit.
3. Keep calm and be patient
It’s stressful to have a crying baby. Stress is often contagious. If you stay calm yourself, you’ll help create a calm environment. Parents should never feel pressured for time; a good newborn photographer should always allot enough time for every session and be patient. It’s best to calm your little one down rather than speeding through the process and trying to pose a fussy baby. Everyone knows your precious bubba will always win when it comes to having it done her/his way!
4. Keep the room temperature between 25C and 28C
Having the photo session at home is not only a lot more convenient but it also offers more privacy and comfort for both the parents and newborns. Make sure to keep the room temperature between 25C and 28C as it’s essential because your baby will be undressed for most of the session. If mums, dads and siblings feel a bit warm, then that’s probably the right temperature for your little one. Turn off the air conditioner during the summer time and turn on the heat before the session during winter months.
5. Parents should dress in simple and plain clothing
Mums, dads and siblings are as important in a newborn session as much as the “star of the show”! It’s always lovely to include family members in a newborn photo shoot. Dressing in light to mid-tone colours provide the best contrast to the neutral little babe. White, ivory, grey and chocolate are excellent colours to wear. You should definitely avoid wearing logos and funky prints as they can take away from the overall aesthetic.
Celebrating a new life in your family is one full of excitement and joy. Have a lovely photo session, mamas!