Here at Sassy Mama, a number of us have very young kids, however the cost of their education is already at the forefront of our minds! And with the cost continuing to rise faster than inflation, this expense will continue to weigh pretty heavily for years to come, regardless of whether we eventually choose local or overseas education.
That’s why we’ve teamed up with expert financial planner Neel Shingadia from Quam to unpick the whys and wherefores for us, and answer all our questions on just how best to ensure that all the financial boxes are ticked when it comes to our kids’ education. Neel is of the opinion that you can never start planning for education expenses too early, and he is happy to offer his expert advice to all Sassy Mama readers!
To make things easy for us mamas, Neel and his team have put together a guide to education fee planning. The free giveaway for the guide has now concluded but if you’d like a copy of the guide or if you have any school fee planning questions you’d like answering you can contact Neel direct by emailing him at [email protected].