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The Mozart Effect: Music Education for Little Ones in Hong Kong

LearnPost Category - LearnLearn

We’ve all heard it.  And we wanted to believe it could be that simple.   But sorry, folks..this just in – from psychologists in Austria of all places (fitting):  Listening to Mozart will not make your kid smarter.  Gosh darn it….

Here’s the scoop: University of Vienna psychologists recently examined more than 40 studies and unpublished research that included more than 3,000 subjects. Their conclusion: nothing supports the idea that listening to Mozart improves what’s known as spatial ability.

Rats.   HOWEVER……

Music education and playing music – now that is an entirely different matter with well-known benefits that spill over into numerous areas of a child’s life. And on that note, here are details on just a few of the music classes offered in HK that you and your kiddo can enjoy:

kindermusicKindermusik: Offers a whole variety of age-appropriate classes for newborns to children 7 years old. Family time classes, early literacy music classes to help boost language skills in young children, and classes to help bigger kids transition to more formal instruction are just a few of the offerings.

There are several Kindermusik operators in HK including Kindermusik by Catherine with classes in Central and elsewhere on Hong Kong Island, and Kindermusik with Elly with classes in TST.

Priscilla’s Musik’n’Motion : Offers age-appropriate, sensory-based musical activities.  Classes are operated out of Panda Junction, the HK Cricket Club, The International Montessori School, and Kidszone in Kowloon.

Wiener Klang: Offers children music eduction programs for all ages  that are accredited and certified by The Vienna Music Education Board.

more sassy mama

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