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White Cube, Yana Peel & Sassy Mama invite you for a family brunch and gallery tour of Damien Hirst’s latest exhibition

LearnPost Category - LearnLearnParties & PlayPost Category - Parties & PlayParties & Play

We’re sorry mamas, this event is now fully booked! Stay tuned for more exciting events in the future…


A recurring theme when speaking to fellow mamas is the sense that – once kids appear on the horizon – your cultural life is over. No more opera (let’s face it, our little ones could probably match any soprano note for note!), no more museums, unless of the ‘interactive’ variety, and certainly no gallery visits, as the shrieking tends to get you evicted. Cultural wasteland packed with brightly-coloured plastic toys, here we come…

Fortunately for mamas (and papas) everywhere, White Cube is coming to our rescue by hosting the much-welcomed launch of Yana Peel’s second book; Art for Baby (Faces). The gallery will throw open their doors for a family-friendly brunch and gallery tour in celebration on Saturday 20 April. Graham Steele, White Cube Asia’s Art Director, will be on hand to give informal talks on bad boy of Brit art Damien Hirst’s current exhibition Entomology Cabinets and Paintings, Scalpel Blade Paintings and Colour Charts, demonstrating Hirst’s universal appeal through his use of unorthodox materials – beguiling and seductive to adults and children alike.

Art For Baby (Faces) follows in the footsteps of the best-selling Art for Baby and showcases twelve unique works of art, encouraging your little one to explore faces through the eyes of famous contemporary artists.  We’re already earmarking this as a baby-shower gift for our cultured mama friends, and if you’d like to get your hands on a copy, the book will be available for sale on launch day. There will be a lucky draw for one winner to get a signed edition by contributing artist Chuck Close!

This brunch and gallery tour is open to all the family. Space is strictly limited, and is sadly now fully booked!

Date: Saturday 20 April 2013
Time: 10.30 am – 1pm
Address: White Cube Hong Kong, 50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong. 

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