I have a confession. I am not a Mama. I feel like an imposter writing on the Sassy Mama blog as mostly everyone reading this site is entirely more knowledgeable on the subject of motherhood.
Being one of the founders of Sassy I am though an active member of the Sassy Mama team and you will see me from time to time writing little posts here and there so I figured I would say it straight out and right away – when it comes to all things mama I am clueless.
The good news is that we have a team of mamas (new Mamas mixed in with veteran Mamas) that are ready to give you the inside scoop on providing a little bit of style and sanity in your otherwise crazy and hectic life. So, I will leave the “Mama scoop” to the experts and instead I will play the only role that I know best when it comes to kids… the role of the childless Auntie.
Auntie Maura will most likely never tell you the best place to breastfeed or which nappies don’t give diaper rash. Instead I will pass on new boutiques that you must check out or time saving beauty tips that we have come across at Sassy and most importantly where to go for a nice glass of wine with friends when the little ones have hit your very last nerve.
And, as any nice Auntie would do, if you need a bit of “me-time”, give me a call and I can take care of the kiddies because as you now know – I need tons of practice!