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In the Kitchen: Homemade Caramel Snacks

Caramel Snack Recipe Healthy
EatPost Category - EatEat - Post Category - Family FriendlyFamily Friendly - Post Category - CookingCooking

Join our resident foodie, Ifat, in the kitchen as she makes her daughter Leah’s favourite caramel snacks

My little one, Leah loves her raw food snacks, and both myself and my hubby are so thankful that she’s a raw food lover! Let me tell you why…

At home, we sprout our nuts and seeds. We do this simply because you can use the nuts, seeds or legumes at the peak of their nutrition cycle. When you sprout, vitamins multiply, minerals in the water are absorbed, fats change to fatty acids, starches change to simple sugars, enzymes are activated and proteins change to essential amino acids.

And all the above reasons mean the nuts, seeds and legumes are far easier to digest! I notice after eating non-sprouted nuts and seeds how it affects me and the kids: we all swell up and all have problems digesting.

So back to one of Leah’s favourite snacks: she particularly loves to make these together with me (great way to get them started on maths, by measuring!)

Read more: Healthy Recipe for Chocolate Clusters, In the Kitchen – Salted Caramel Popcorn


  • 1 cup Cashews
  • 1 cup Pecans
  • 2 tbsp Tahini
  • 10 Medjool Dates
  • 3 – 4 tbsp Coconut Flour
  • 1/4 tsp Celtic Sea Salt / Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • Hemp Seeds to coat

Read more: Heavenly Chocolate Granola Recipe, Healthy Hazelnut Chocolate Spread


  • Combine all the ingredients together well until they are fully blended. It may take a couple of minutes to get this done.
  • Take 1/2 tbsp for smaller and 1 tbsp measured amount of mixture and roll in to balls
  • Roll the balls into the hempseed for coating
  • Put into the freezer for 30 mins on a tray to set
  • Once set, store in a container in the fridge, this will last a long while in the fridge, though in our house it barely lasted five days!

Check out Ifat’s other healthy recipe ideas here!

more sassy mama

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