Now that the kids are going back to school, it’s time to start looking for after-school classes for them. If you can’t decide which programme to sign up for, SPRING Learning has the perfect extracurricular activity for you. It has a combo offer that allows you to alternate between two very different activities each week.
Choose the Woodwork + STEM class combo on Wednesdays or the Supersport + Drama class combo on Thursdays. Currently, there is a special promotion on through the month of September for enrolment in these Back to School programmes. New SPRING members can get 10% off their first enrollment when they register for a full block of classes. Existing members can choose whether they prefer to opt for 10% off new programme enrolment or take a $300 cash voucher to be used when signing up for their next programme.
When: Enrolment period: 1 September to 30 September, 2021; Classes continue in a block of eight weeks following enrolment
Time: Woodwork + STEM Wednesdays: 2:15pm to 3:15pm/3:45pm (Woodwork classes are 1.5 hours); Supersport + Drama Thursdays: 4:45pm to 5:45pm
Cost: Woodwork + STEM: $350 per week; Supersport + Drama: $320 per week, students must sign up for eight weeks