15 Apr‘18

Hong Kong Doggie Dash

Events Doggy Dash
Post Category - Fun + GamesFun + Games

This event is incredibly cute and for a good cause! Hong Kong’s first Doggie Dash will pit pug versus pug and sausage versus sausage across an amazing afternoon of fun and racing. Depending on the quality of the competition, there’s potential for a Grand Exhibition Race of Pug v Dachshund too! Join in at Tai On Terrace in Sheung Wan for an afternoon of canine hijinks, all in support of Hong Kong Dog Rescue.  If your pup wants to compete, registration in advance is needed.

Image courtesy of Nick Thorpe.

Event Price

$130 entry per racing dog (all proceeds to HKDR). Spectators and non-racing dogs - free!

Event Location

Tai On Terrace, Sheung Wan (Outside Mana Café)
Tai On Terrace, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong