Join Cristina & Amanda as they give one awesome mom a post-natal makeover and get all the tools you need for your own transformation! Pre-register for a lot of discounts off the brands shown in the webinar! Thrive Nutrition Practice specialises in post-natal recovery and Cristina Tahoces, holistic nutritionist and founder of she develops custom-made nutritional programmes to help women thrive and not just survive after having children. And whilst nutrition is vital to feeling healthy and gorgeous from the inside out, sometimes a bit of make-up and a great outfit go a hell of a long way.
Amanda Leigh is a personal stylist who knows how to make women look and feel fabulous. She has worked with leading Australian designers and retailers and last year in Hong Kong, she styled the entire speaker line-up for the TEDxTinHauWomen’s event. Amanda is going to give you all her tips to make you look and feel like the rock star you are!
And the apparel & make-up sponsors have given you some great discounts, so PLEASE REGISTER and they’ll pass those on!
Time: 11am to 11:30am
Feature image courtesy of John Schnobrich via Unsplash