Hong Kong numbers for every Mama’s Little Black Book!
Whether you have lived in this city your whole life or are new to the scene, finding assistance when you’re in sticky situations can be difficult, or worse, chaotic. To help you out, we have compiled a list of essential Hong Kong numbers to add to your contacts, apps to install and websites to bookmark. From babysitters and part-time cleaners to at-home doctors and online grocers, we’ve got you covered, mamas!
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Groceries and food
Household needs
Entertainment and beauty
Hong Kong essentials
Other parent essentials
Read more: 50 Things To Do With Kids In Hong Kong
Sleep-deprived mothers cannot possibly be everywhere at all times! That’s why childcare services are such a godsend. Nanny placement agencies can help with babysitting, maternity services, child tutoring and temporary or permanent part-time childminding positions. Some Western families are more familiar and comfortable with this set up instead of employing a foreign domestic worker, who may or may not have childcare qualifications.
If you would rather have live-in full-time help though, it’s a good idea to have the essential Hong Kong numbers, websites and apps of ethical helper agencies at your fingertips.
Childcare is one area where the human touch and word-of-mouth recommendations are often relied on more than a digital interface! So most apps in this domain are confined to feed timers, vaccination records and reminders and milestone markers.
Babysitting and childminding services
Rent-A-Mum, 5441 9735, [email protected], www.rent-a-mum.com
The Nanny Experts, 23/F, On Hong Commercial Bldg, 145 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 6295 6051, [email protected], www.thenannyexperts.hk
Babysitter.hk, Room 707, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Rd, Chai Wan, Hong Kong, 5404 8005, [email protected], www.babysitter.hk
Nanny & Me, 5114 2383, 5400 7183, [email protected], www.nannyand.me
DreamCare, Unit 603, 6/F, Tower 1, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong, 3629 7425, [email protected], www.dreamcare.com.hk
Hong Kong Teen PT, www.HongKongTeenPT.com
Hong Kong Teen Sitters, www.TeenSitters.com
Helper agencies
HelperPlace, app download available on iOS and Android, 2997 8080, [email protected], www.helperplace.com
Fair Employment Agency, 5/F Connaught Harbourfront House, 35 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, 3568 6858, [email protected], www.fairagency.org
Read more: 19 Labour And Pregnancy Apps For Every Expectant Hong Kong Mama
Groceries and food
If you’re looking to buy sustainable seafood, organic grass-fed beef or lamb, hormone-free and antibiotic-free eggs and chicken, chances are that you have shopped online before. This category has plenty of essential Hong Kong numbers and websites – while some of these exist only online, a few have retail stores where you can meet your meat. Although most of these focus on fish and meat, a few also offer a selection of fruits and vegetables, ready-to-cook bites and other pantry items. We’ve also included food delivery apps because there are times when you just need someone else to do the hard work for you!
Sourcing high-quality groceries is tough in Hong Kong. Enter Eat The Kiwi! It stocks a range of sustainably sourced seafood and produce from farms with fresh air and lush pastures. No steroids, hormones, antibiotics or other nasties here in its free-range offerings. Whether you’re ordering meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables or snacks like pies and pastries (or have subscribed to have regular scheduled deliveries!) your goods will be kept cool with recyclable ice-packs and packaging. Its unique “wool cool” keeps frozen goods cool for up to 10 hours (so no worries if you’re not home for delivery) and breaks down to soil even when disposed of in landfill.
Sassy Mama perk: Use discount code SASSY15 for 15% off one order. Valid until Friday, 31 December 2021.
Eat The Kiwi, 9785 5706, [email protected], www.store.eatthekiwi.com
Online groceries
Farmer’s Market, 9556 0070, [email protected], www.farmersmarket.com.hk
Jett Foods, 2428 7832, [email protected], www.jettfoods.com
Meatmarket.hk, Meat & Delivery hotline (office hours only): 8135 1394, WhatsApp: 6681 9561, [email protected], www.meatmarket.com.hk
MM Fresh, 2762 7798, 2428 7891, [email protected], www.mmfreshfood.com
Pacific Gourmet Online, 2810 0397, [email protected], www.pacificgourmet.com.hk
South Stream Market, 2555 6200, 2475 5985, [email protected], www.southstreammarket.com
Tenderloin Fine Food, 2692 9329, 6659 5559, [email protected], www.tenderloin.com.hk
Jou Sun, www.jousun.com
Regency Spices, 3525 0060, [email protected], www.regencyspices.hk
Spicebox Organics, 137 Caine Road, Shop 1, Golden Valley Mansion, Mid Levels, Hong Kong, 2559 9887
Spicebox Organics, 39-45 Hau Wo Street, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong, 2191 0886, www.spiceboxorganics.com
iHerb, www.hk.iherb.com
Most supermarkets in Hong Kong also offer delivery. Check out the Wellcome, ParknShop and Market Place websites for details.
Food delivery
Deliveroo, app download available on iOS and Android, www.deliveroo.hk
Food Panda, app download available on iOS and Android, www.foodpanda.hk
Uber Eats, app download available on iOS and Android, www.uber.com
Read more: Top Online Groceries Delivery Sites In Hong Kong
Household needs
Does your list of things to do around the house take on a life of its own and multiply overnight? Why not delegate some of these tasks to the experts? Luckily for you, we’ve got the numbers of part-time cleaners, dry cleaners, odd job men and more for you to call on when you need them.
Merry Maids, 2857 4038, [email protected], www.merrymaids.com.hk
Smart Home, 2717 1196, WhatsApp: 5560 6050, [email protected], www.shome.com.hk,
Prestige Home Services, 2893 7387, [email protected], www.phshk.com
Top Maids Home Cleaning Co., 2151 1280, www.topmaid.com.hk
Dry cleaners
Jeeves, app download available on iOS and Android, 2552 7557, WhatsApp: 6900 4603, [email protected], www.jeeves.com.hk
Park Avenue, 2893 9368, www.parkavenuehk.com
Vogue Laundry, 2460 3506, www.voguelaundry.com
Clean Living, 2333 0141, [email protected], www.cleanliving.com.hk
Ace Handyman, 9078 1918, 6446 9226, [email protected], www.acehandyman.hk
Hello Toby, app download available on iOS and Android, [email protected], www.hellotoby.com
Dr Fix It All, 2525 0055, WhatsApp: 9828 0996, [email protected], www.drfixitall.hk
Read more: 7 Non-Toxic & Natural Cleaning Products You Can Make Yourself
At the heart of this city’s bustling efficiency is its amazing public transport system which we couldn’t live without! These apps and websites will make it even easier to navigate!
Citymapper, app download available on iOS and Android, www.citymapper.com
CityBus, app download available on iOS and Android, www.nwstbus.com.hk
MTR Mobile, app download available on iOS and Android, www.mtr.com.hk
Taxi Booking
Uber, app download available on iOS and Android, www.uber.com
HK Taxi, app download available on iOS and Android, www.hktaxiapp.com
GoGoVan, 3590 3399, app download available on iOS and Android, www.gogovan.com.hk
Read more: Hong Kong Car Seat Safety: Plus What And Where To Shop
Entertainment and beauty
This should rank high up on every mama’s list! Because we all need to let our hair down (after it’s properly styled, of course!), here’s a list of apps you’ll need for eating, drinking and being merry in Hong Kong.
Eating out
Eatigo, app download available on iOS and Android, www.eatigo.com
Chope, app download available on iOS and Android, www.chope.co
Entertainment Discounts
Klook, app download available on iOS and Android, www.klook.com
HK Movie, app download available on iOS and Android
Beauty at home
Sponge, gosponge.com
WeCut Asia, app download available on iOS, 3796 6268, [email protected], www.wecut.asia
Hong Kong essentials
If you’ve lived in this city for any significant amount of time, you’ll know that there are some essential Hong Kong numbers, apps and websites that you cannot do without. From mobile wallets for your next impulse purchase to weather and pollution checks, they are part and parcel of everyday life in the city. And all Hong Kong mamas know that they have to keep an eye on the up-to-date Education Bureau Website to know whether their little ones have school when a thunderstorm standby signal is hoisted.
PayMe, app download available on iOS and Android, www.payme.hsbc.com
Air Quality Health Index, app download available on iOS and Android, www.aqhi.gov.hk
My Observatory, app download available on iOS and Android, www.hko.gov.hk
Education Bureau Hong Kong, www.edb.gov.hk
Other parent essentials
Nothing could be more important than keeping our kids happy and safe. When it comes to essential Hong Kong numbers, it’s always best to get and store the emergency contact details of your child’s paediatrician or the nearest hospital. If not, there are a few at-home services in Hong Kong that you can rely on.
Even when there isn’t an emergency, taking care of our kids can be taxing! Use some of the amazing audiobook apps available to keep them occupied while you catch a power nap on your sofa. You need downtime too, so download some meditation apps to reach a Zen-like state. When you’re calm, you’ll enjoy recording and watching your baby journals so much more!
Doctors at home
Hong Kong Home Doctor, 6628 5365, www.hkhomedoctor.com
Doctors Direct, 60171281, 65060250, [email protected], www.doctorsdirect.com.hk
Music, meditation and audiobooks
My Wonder Books, app download available on iOS and Android, www.mywonderbooks.com
Spotify, app download available on iOS and Android, www.spotify.com
Headspace, app download available on iOS and Android, www.headspace.com
Useful baby development apps and baby journals
WebMD Baby, app download available on iOS and Android, www.webmd.com
Sprout Baby, app download available on iOS, www.sprout-apps.com
Joey, app download available on iOS, www.joeyforparents.com
tinybeans, app download available on iOS and Android, www.tinybeans.com
Read more: 10 Practical Tips For Mums Without Helpers
Editor’s note: This post was originally written by Stephanie Ma on 25, July 2017 and updated by Anita Balagopalan on 29, July 2019.