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My Mama Wardrobe: Evania of Tap That

Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily LifeStyle & BeautyPost Category - Style & BeautyStyle & Beauty

Evania Meyers is a mama to be reckoned with on the Hong Kong events scene – chances are you’ve been to a bash that her or her company Tap That have organized. Always cool, calm and collected even when dealing with crowds of hundreds of rowdy partiers, Evania is mum to one-year old Leni – we find out what her daily mom uniform consists of…

What is a typical day in your life like?
Hectic! I run my own business from home so I am constantly switching from mummy to work mode whilst at home and am generally on the road a lot for meetings, site visits and events.

What is your go-to style/uniform?
For general everyday wear I like to keep it simple. In the summer time I wear a lot of dresses and shorts and in the winter I am usually in skinny jeans. I like simple outfits that I can dress down during the day and then put on a pair of heels, make up and some jewellery and be ready to work an event in the evening.

What always makes you feel good when you wear it?
I am a sucker for Cashmere jumpers and silk tops. I buy a lot from Club Monaco.

How do you dress in the evening versus the daytime?
It really depends for work I will wear a dress if the occasion suits or usually just dress up a pair of jeans or shorts and silk top. What I wear needs to be versatile, as you never know what might happen during an event. If I am out with friends my style is generally the same, I like to keep it simple. If I need something nice I will normally go to my sister who runs ‘The Changing Room” as she knows where to pick up the best outfits and what will suit me best.

How has being a mama changed your personal style? (If it has!)

I don’t wear dresses or skirts at all any more! It just isn’t practical with a baby. Leni has only just started walking so hopefully by next summer I can wear my dresses again. I also don’t really accessorize as much with necklaces or other jewellery any more.

If you could change one thing about your wardrobe/style, what would it be?
I should probably wear less black, white and grey but honestly not much. My figure has changed since having my daughter and am still trying to figure out my style and what works. That’s where my sister comes in handy as that’s exactly what she does! (Evania’s sis runs image consultancy, The Changing Room – stay tuned for a Sassy Mama profile coming soon!)

What are you always searching for?
Comfortable heels, I think they just don’t exist. I am always on the hunt for nice simple tops that go well with jeans and shorts.

Where do you shop in Hong Kong?
I shop a lot at Club Monaco for tops and cashmere jumpers, they also do great simple dresses. Zara and H&M for basics and fun stuff. For tops and jackets I also like JDC (but you have to hunt and try everything on first). Finding jeans is not so easy — Ted Baker do great skinny jeans especially if you have a butt, otherwise American Eagle Outfitters is also good for curvy girls.

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