What do you hope to accomplish this year?
We’re welcoming 2017 in with arms open wide! Let’s be honest, mamas, 2016 has had its ups and downs, but ultimately we’ve made it through another year. Whether you ditched all previous resolutions before February hit, or you’re still sticking to them even now (hats off to you!), we’re entering January with high hopes and big dreams. It’s time to hit the ground running and kickstart a brand new year brimming with ambition!
In need of a little inspiration? Check out Team Sassy’s resolutions and all we hope to accomplish this year…
As cliché as it is, I really want to get my butt back in the gym at least twice a week again this year. Having been paying for a gym membership and not going is taking a toll on both my body and wallet! Keep me accountable, girls!
One of my resolutions for 2016 was to create my own brand. I wanted to make a conscious effort to ensure that every person I come across, remembers something about me. For 2017 I would like to spread that even further! We live in such a connected world, but how many of those people do we truly remember for their spark?
Read more: 5 Ways to Feel Good
This year, one of the things I really want to focus on is being a more consistent friend. I feel like I live in a constant state of ‘I’m too busy’ and often feel that while I think of my friends loads, I don’t show them I care as much as I’d like to. So, in 2017 I want to pick up the phone more or send a quick text or email to let them know that I’m thinking about them. Or better yet, send them an old fashioned ‘just thinking of you card’ in the mail!
I need to tell myself that being a good friend doesn’t mean having epic long conversations or even seeing each other on a regular basis. It’s just as simple as telling someone you care when you think they need it, or just for no reason at all. And for me, it is reminding myself that it’s the thought that is going to count.
As a born and raised Hong Kong kid, I really have no excuse for not speaking fluent Cantonese or Mandarin. I wish I’d learnt it all when I was younger (don’t we all?), but I guess there’s no time like the present! Having learnt basic Mandarin back in the day, I’m taking 2017 as a chance to really buckle down and try to relearn (read: learn) the language. Wish me luck!
I’m pleased to say that I’ve managed to get on track with my fitness resolution for last year, so this year mine is actually different!
With Hong Kong being so ridiculously fast paced, it’s easy to forget to make time for people outside of work and your regular routine. I am determined this year to stay in touch with more of my friends both in this city and abroad. It will also be a great way to discover parts of Hong Kong outside of the same old dinner and drinks in SoHo!
To get back on the stage! Being back in the rehearsal room for the Hong Kong Pantomime after a 2 year performing dry spell was exactly the kick in the behind I needed. It’s time to get back to my creative roots, put my degree to good use and continue mingling with the wonderfully talented theatrical community this city has to offer.
Many of us have similar fitness goals (every year, sigh) – but this year I’d like to re-align and specify my fitness dreams into a recently-lost-love: Rugby.
Having played rugby through all of middle and high school and stopping soon after, I’ve only just realised how much I’ve missed being part of a team and that kind of community/camaraderie. So as daunting as it my seem, my New Year’s Resolution is to join a women’s rugby club team. If anyone is currently a part of one, please, please take (drag) me with you!
Read more: Sassy’s Guide to Team Sports in Hong Kong
To travel (even) more! I must make time to go back to Africa, my favourite continent in the entire world, and explore more of the Middle East. On top of that I need get back into writing my travel blog, as it’s been on hold for a while. 2017 is gonna be another adventurous year!
Ditto to the last two year’s resolutions… I still have yet to take any refresher driving lessons. If anyone knows of a good English-speaking reasonably-priced instructor, please let me know!
Spend more times with loved ones! This year has been such a blessing with job opportunities, vacations and big moves. I’m constantly on the go and working towards my goals that I’ve realised I don’t keep in touch as often as I should. Shout out to all my wonderful friends near and far! I hope to see you in this fab New Year.
Travel! Travel! Travel! Taking every opportunity to explore Asia and beyond. Sometimes Hong Kong is so fast-paced (and I’d rather just spend a weekend relaxing on my couch), but with hopes of building a family a couple years in the future, my husband and I are really taking advantage of the time we have now as a couple.
Read more: Off the Beaten Track: Exploring Hidden Alleyways Around the World
For years my resolutions have been on loop; ‘eat healthier, exercise more’, and as great as they are, come the beginning of February, I’m bored of the same old tune. So this year, my resolution will no longer be moulded around number one – I want to be more eco-conscious and accountable for my day to day choices.
So, with that said – I’m going to make a conscious effort to only buy cruelty-free beauty products and adopt a more eco-friendly ethos! With the amount of Starbucks Coffee I inhale on the way to work each morning, I’m going to ensure I buy (and use!) a ‘keep cup’, carry a ‘bag for life’ in my bag at all times, and really try to limit the amount of disposable plastic products I use day to day. Join me, girls?
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