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Sassy Mama’s 12 Days of Christmas 2014: Day 5

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Sassy Mama’s amazing 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway is back for 2014 and this year it’s bigger and better than ever before! There’s an amazing prize to be won every single day, so here we go…

Congratulations Michelle Kang for winning our Day 4 Prize!

Day 5 – A styling session and one item at Chicameo
Win a styling session at one of the hottest stores in Hong Kong, perfect for prepping your spring wardrobe. The lovely stylists at Chicameo will give you advice on the best colours, styles and patterns to suit your skin tone and body shape. Put those tips to use immediately afterwards by picking out your choice of item to take home from Chicameo’s beautiful selection of woven, knitted and silk pieces. Sounds like a very Merry Christmas to us, mama!

Remember, mamas, you’ve got to be in it to win it, so simply drop your details in the form below! You only have to enter once for your chance to win any one of our 12 amazing prizes. And remember, for every friend you enter, you’ll bag an extra entry yourself…! Go on, spread that cheer! 

Fill out my online form.

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