We asked some of the mums we know to divulge which nappy bag items they can’t leave home without!
Once you have kids, getting you and your offspring out the door on a daily basis becomes like a military operation. Gone are the days when you could just pick up your handbag and, provided you had your wallet and keys, were able to get through the day just fine. Now, your bag is more likely to be stuffed with everything from milk to muslins, and toys to teethers. So, we decided to ask some of the mamas we know to let us in on their nappy bag essentials (regardless of the age of their little ones!).
Read more: Totes In Style: Our Favourite Functional And Fashionable Diaper Bags
For Babies
Alex Purcell Garcia, Sassy Mama Editor
It’s hard to narrow my nappy bag essentials down but, if I have to, they would be:
- Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream. This saved my little one’s ass (literally) when my usual go-to cream failed to clear up a fierce bout of nappy rash. I love it because it contains natural ingredients and no nasties.
- This one might be controversial but…pacifiers (or “dummies” as we call them back in the UK). I fully support mamas who choose not to give a pacifier (I thought I would be one of those) but my hubby and I find these invaluable when our baby is overtired and won’t settle! We started with this orthodontic style soother, designed to reduce the risk of misaligned teeth and support natural oral development, but she now prefers these Airflow Fun Face pacifiers (that also support natural teeth development and come with a breathable shield).
- I think every nappy bag should also have a portable changing mat (the best $30 I’ve spent!). Changing facilities in Hong Kong range from non-existant to not the best (or cleanest), so one of these is essential for changing on-the-fly, or to put down on top of other changing tables to keep germs at bay!
Sophie Knight, Sassy Mama Contributor
I’m always out and about with my busy little boy of seven months and there are two things I never leave the house without; one is a small pot of organic coconut oil (which I decant from a larger jar to make it more on-the-go friendly). It really is a superb all-in-one for babies sensitive skin and works on everything from dry skin to red bums, chapped lips, scratched faces and even dirty hands! The second thing I carry with me always, and have used every day since my son was born, is a super-soft swaddle from Sophie Darling– a boutique textile designer based in the UK. It is honestly the softest material and perfect size to be used as a blanket, wrap, burp cloth, shade, floor cover and much more. We were gifted so many muslins and swaddles, but this one is the chicest and most versatile baby accessory I own!
Read more: The Best Baby And Toddler Stores In Hong Kong: Where To Get What You Need
For Toddlers
Jess Mizzi, Sassy Mama Editor
I never leave home without snacks. ALL THE SNACKS. Hell hath no fury like a hangry toddler! I make sure I have variety, seriously three to four options (toddlers are so fickle!) – some crackers, fruit, cheese cubes and maybe even a sandwich. Then at the bottom of the bag, far from prying eyes, I normally keep a pouch of food (Little Freddie, Ella’s Kitchen or similar) that I know my son loves, but I loathe giving him on a regular basis. Snacks create mess, so I always take along a stasher bag with some reusable damp cloths.
Toni Marie Ovenden, Sassy Mama Contributor and Founder of Love Hair
One of my on-the-go must-haves is my Skip Hop nappy bag itself. It makes life easier so you can change the kids anywhere! It carries all the essentials (nappies, obviously, as well as wipes, cream and hand sanitiser). I also always carry my son’s water bottle, as he never stops running around so I need to make sure he stays hydrated. I would love to say we have one particular favourite brand, but we seem to leave them everywhere and accumulate others (a bit like umbrellas in Hong Kong!). Plus a toy car, which always saves the day when I need to keep him entertained for five minutes.
Elly Liu, Sassy Media Group, Office Manager
I always carry a Zollipop. After my son tried his first-ever lollipop, he fell in love with the taste. I find the regular ones are much too sweet, so I found this sugar-free alternative. I also always carry this b.box Sippy Cup when out and about, to make sure he stays hydrated. It’s easy to drink from and doesn’t leak!
Manisha Nair, Sassy Mama Contributor and Founder of @ifstyledanced
We never leave the house without something that can help pacify our daughter just in case we’re running a tad late to get home (which almost always seems to be the case). Two things that have been our saviours for this are a silicone pacifier clip and Happy Baby Organic Creamies. The clip will make sure that her pacifier doesn’t get lost and is great as a teether, while the creamies are a perfect little hold-her-over-for-now snack!
Read more: The Best Educational Toys For Kids Of All Ages In Hong Kong
For Older Kids
Maura Thompson, Sassy Media Group Co-Founder
I don’t really have a set go-to anymore and am pretty laid back when it comes to having things in my bag for the kids. I am also a big advocate of having them bring a backpack or purse of their own, especially if they want to bring toys with them somewhere!
Anita Balagopalan, Sassy Mama Editor
I always carry some colouring pencils/pens, like these ones from Plastic-Free HK. Or ANY SMIGGLE PRODUCT! I mean anything! I don’t know how that brand wields so much power. It has lots of scented pens, pencils and pouches, which are always a hit. I also make sure I have some mosquito repellant to hand, to try to prevent any nasty bites.
Mansha Channa, Sassy Media Group Partnerships Manager
I never leave home without hand sanitiser and a handbag-friendly snack, like a banana or some small biscuits! My kids are always touching things when we are out and about, before deciding they want a snack. It’s as if stepping outside the home is a cue for hunger!