Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned waterways in the world. It’s set in a tranquil and relaxing environment – perfect for a babymoon or just a holiday. After all, we have to treat ourselves!
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Asmita Das Photography
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

Health + Medical
Maya Health Institute
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

The Women’s Lounge By Women of Hong Kong
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

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Island Cleaning Solutions
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

Schools + Education
Woodland Pre-Schools
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

Schools + Education
InGenius Prep (Hong Kong) Co., Limited
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

Your Home
Carpet Cleaner Hong Kong: Rug Repairs & Carpet Cleaning In Hong Kong
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…

Health + Medical
HKMC Dental And Maxillofacial Centre
Located in Cebu, Philippines, Plantation Bay houses one of the largest privately-owned…