Yesterday after a day spent in front of my computer, I decided to take Nealy’s advice and take the time to get out and get moving. I had to wait until about 5pm for it to be cool enough (pregnancy = rather a lot of sweating in the Hong Kong summer!) and then decided to take my favourite walk up to the Bowen Road trail. Pre-pregnancy I used to kind of power-walk along it (Maura and Natalie regularly run the path) but now I’m forced to slow down to quite a slow stroll with a few stops to sit down as I climb up the big hill that leads from Kennedy Road up to Bowen. The great thing about Bowen Road though is that whatever pace you’re going at, there will be someone doing the same thing – from mums walking with strollers and chatting, to old people doing Tai Chi in the little parks dotted along, to the super-fit who can run up and down three times in the time it takes me to walk the trail once!
I love how everyone you see is quiet and peaceful – it’s such an escape from the city even though you can look out over the skyline of Central, Wanchai and Happy Valley. Surrounded by greenery, the sounds of birds singing and amazing views of the city, this is a walk where you can fall in love with Hong Kong all over again.
The entire path is around 3km from beginning in the MidLevels at the intersection of Garden and Robinson Roads to the end at Stubbs Road in Happy Valley. I pick up the trail about a third of the way along – if you’re coming by taxi with a stroller just ask to be dropped at Borro Doh, and from there it’s almost totally flat all the way. Definitely recommended if you’re wanting to clear your head and shake off a bit of the island fever that sometimes affects all of us who live Hong Kong-side! Best of all, it’s free…