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Instant Goddess gets hot under the collar!

Style & BeautyPost Category - Style & BeautyStyle & Beauty

As it starts to hot up, tempers have been a little frayed in our household this week what with technical hitches and bureaucratic “cannot”. Why is it that things aren’t built to last these days? Now I know I’m sounding like my Mum.. but things keep breaking! Shouldn’t a hoover, printer and kettle last more than 3 ½ years? As for the “cannot”, why can’t we have a can do every now and again?! And don’t even get me started on waiting lists… why is everything always fully booked?!

Rant over… let’s get back to the world of fashion and instant gratification… far more enjoyable!

Summer essentials

So on the subject of hot and bothered, stay cool in these floral frocks from Zara; perfect for sunny days. Floral print or any print for that matter is great for hiding our good old friend: perspiration.

Zara floral print dresses (left to right: $599, $599, $399, $699)

Carte Blanche
Zara has a really strong white story at the moment in keeping with Spring/Summer 2012. Impractical I know, as I immediately thought of my little one’s chocolate paw prints smudged over my lovely new frock so I promptly put it back on the rack and then also remembered the self-imposed shopping ban for life. But anyway, indulge me with my white moment!

Left to right: Zara Guipure dress $699HKD, also available in a dark blue if like me you’re worried about those chocolate paw prints; Zara white tunic with transparent sleeves $499, would look fab teamed with a chunky gold statement necklace; and a Massimo Dutti dress given an edge with a v-back and great zip detailing, also available in a zesty lime green (my favourite) and an emerald green… more chocolate-friendly but not so sweat-friendly… ho hum you can’t have everything in life!

While it’s still just about cool enough to wear them we still, I love this white blazer look teamed with a pop of yellow (above right). Again this is Zara, but given the shopping ban it has inspired me to root under the bed for a white blazer I purchased about 8 years ago from Karen Millen. You see, this is why I constantly remind my husband that you never know when you might need that frock, blazer, or skirt from yesteryear!

If like me you’re after white jeans (mine have turned orange due to a washing error… you see all is not running smoothly in the Instant Goddess household this week!), then H&M have the most reasonably priced option starting at a mere $199 (above left). Zara have a few options starting at $399 (and my faves were these with zips at the hem as they were more lightweight (above right)… but alas too short for me… the shopping ban reigns supreme, phew!

The long and short of it

As it hots up shorts are the perfect answer for us mums with all that bending, jumping, and running around that we do. If I had the pins, I would definitely purchase these from Massimo Dutti (above left)… ok I wouldn’t due to the shopping ban but you know what I mean! If it’s print you’re after, a more reasonably priced option are these from H&M at $199 (above right).

If you’re after plain shorts, Zara have these ones at $299 in navy, white, black and beige (above left).

If these are too short or you, then good old M&S have these which are a bit longer, at a bargainous $195 (above right, available in white, black and beige).

And to top it off…

A few tops that caught my eye to team with your new shorts or white jeans – well, we’re not all on self-imposed shopping bans, are we?! (Left to right: from Zara, Massimo Dutti, H&M)

And you know me, self-professed jewelled junkie, I always have to throw something in the mix and I love these… of course they didn’t fall off the shelf into my shopping basket… what basket?! I don’t even have a shopping basket these days.

Left to right: Massimo Dutti Shiny Bow Bangle $290; H&M pink statement necklace $99


This week’s top beauty tip from favourite make-up artist Jaime Smith of Smudge Make-Up Artistry is all about spring cleaning!

Jaime says: “I know it’s hard enough to find time to wash our hair some days no less our make-up brushes, but sometimes an artist’s tools are just as important as the artist’s talent. Remember these tips when choosing and caring for your make-up brushes and sponges.

For liquid make-up, be sure to choose a “synthetic bristle” brush for best application.  A good brush is a worthwhile investment, but be sure to keep them clean to see their full potential. Wash once a week with hot water and mild baby shampoo (we all have that laying around!). Lay brushes flat on a table and make sure that the bristles just edge over the side so they’re not in contact with the table this will prevent mould from forming while drying in this humidity and will also help the brushes keep their original shape”.

Mid-week meal inspiration             

Sometimes only a burger will do, but to make you feel a little bit healthier these pork and apple burgers include one of your five a day… well almost. Check out the full recipe here.

Yogi tea saying of the week: “Listen, listen.  Love, love.”
Instant Goddess says:  “Oh, you’re not going to cannot me again are you?!”

Until next week Goddesses…and remember you are always, always worth it!

Check out all of Katie’s Instant Goddess columns here.

more sassy mama

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