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#BreakTheBias With The Women’s Foundation Hong Kong

the womens foundation Hong Kong international womens day 2022
Family LifePost Category - Family LifeFamily Life

For 18 years The Women’s Foundation Hong Kong (TWF) has been dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls in the city. Who better for Sassy Mama to partner with this International Women’s Day!

The Women’s Foundation (TWF) was founded by a group of individuals passionate about tackling the many challenges and inequalities that women and girls face in Hong Kong, and has since evolved into a leading voice NGO holistically working towards gender equality for all. It aspires to conduct ground-breaking research and run impactful and innovative community programmes as well as engaging in education and advocacy in the pursuit of three main goals:

Sassy Mama number peach 1Challenging gender stereotypes

Sassy Mama number peach 2Empowering women in poverty

Sassy Mama number peach 3Advancing women leaders

womens foundation Hong Kong iwd 2022 girls tech

What The Women’s Foundation Does For Hong Kong Girls


In direct response to the pandemic, TWF started up the  #TEENForGood initiative offering individual online tutoring support for underprivileged secondary school students. All the tutors who are graduates of TWF’s T.E.E.N. (Talent, Empowerment, Equality and Networking) Programme and are currently university students or fresh graduates. This fantastic programme also provides tutors from underprivileged backgrounds with a helpful source of financial support and the opportunity to give back to the community in turn supporting women and families. A win for all!

Digital Literacy Programme

The Digital Literacy Programme empowers underprivileged families by equipping them with fundamental digital literacy skills to support their daughters in reaching their full potential. In an increasingly technology-driven world, this increases their competitiveness in the workforce.

Girls Go Tech Programme

Underprivileged girls are inspired to unlock their STEM talents in the Girls Go Tech Programme. The Programme includes an online platform alongside real-life tech related activities to further develop their skills, knowledge and interest in coding and STEM- related initiatives, opening doors to a future tech career.

iwd womens foundation Hong Kong certificates

What Can Sassy Mamas Do To Help?

Start at home. Challenge gender stereotypes. Use inclusive language. Point out instances of gender stereotyping in daily life and encourage critical thinking about its impact. Encourage girls and young women in your life to take up a STEM-related activity or interest.  

Learn about issues affecting vulnerable groups of women and their families, particularly under the pandemic. Support these communities through volunteering your time and skills, mobilising needed resources or supporting NGOs that work with these communities.  

Stay in touch. Follow TWF on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (watch out for the IWD campaign updates!). TWF often hosts free public events on gender-related issues so sign up to the newsletter to receive regular updates!

womens foundation breaking the bias

The Women’s Foundation’s Thoughts On #BreakTheBias

What underpins so many of the challenges facing women and girls are biases – and the stereotypes and unequal power structures and dynamics that then arise. There are many ways you can #BreaktheBias – here are three suggestions to get you started:  

Sassy Mama number peach 1Expose your children to diverse examples and role models. Point out instances of gender stereotyping in daily life and encourage critical thinking about its impact.     

Sassy Mama number peach 2Have conversations at home about who is doing the most household and caring responsibilities. Mix it up.

Sassy Mama number peach 3In public and online spaces, use your voice for good. Learn about the issues facing women and girls. Support vulnerable communities. Be an active bystander – stand up to harassment and discrimination, and support victims (Not sure where to start? Here are some resources).

 No matter what action you commit to for International Women’s Day, remember that small steps taken individually and collectively can lead to tremendous shifts and will make a difference in advancing gender equality in Hong Kong and beyond.

The Women’s Foundation, 9A, Chun Wo Commercial Centre, 23-29 Wing Wo Street, Central, 2592 8265, Facebook: The Women’s Foundation HK,

All images courtesy of The Women's Foundation Hong Kong.

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