If you are interested in using natural therapies for you and your family, you will want to know more about Baby Reflex. A gentle form of reflexology, it has been created especially for babies and toddlers aged from just 1 month to 3 years. Parents can learn an easy 5 minute fuss-free treatment which you can give to your little one at any time and in any place – in a cafe, on a flight, or even in a supermarket queue.
Offering a quick and easy solution to many aches and pains, like teething, colic, constipation, bee stings, colds, and even hyper-activity, Baby Reflex also includes techniques to help you to soothe your child, improve their sleep patterns, and strengthen the bond between you.
Liz Purnell-Webb of A Mother’s Touch is the first in Hong Kong to qualify as a Baby Reflex practitioner and told Sassy Mama, “It is incredibly easy to learn Baby Reflex. It is a soothing technique which uses finger-tip and thumb pressure and is given to babies on their feet and to toddlers on their hand. Babies love it!”
Baby Reflex is taught during three weekly one-hour sessions, and as the techniques are taught using models it is up to you whether you bring baby along too.
A Mother’s Touch holds Baby Reflex and Toddler Reflex courses in both Central and Discovery Bay. For more information visit www.amotherstouch.com.hk or email [email protected].
More information on baby reflex can be found at: www.babyreflex.co.uk