And we’re not just talking about her appearance!
So often, when a woman is praised, it isn’t for her work ethic, intelligence or strength. Instead, compliments tend to be given based on looks, how well she is groomed, how beautiful her accessories are and such. While we all love to be complimented on our appearance (let’s be honest, who doesn’t?!), there is so much more to notice and appreciate about all the amazing females around you! So we asked the ladies in our office about the best compliments they have ever received and why they were special. Take note for the next time you want to properly compliment a woman you love and admire!
Read more: Meet The Team: Get To Know Your Sassy Mamas
Complimenting A Woman About Loyalty
– Maura Thompson, Co-Founder
A few years ago, I gifted my mum a special experience. Once a week, she was emailed a question and after a few months, all her answers were compiled into a special book. It was a great present for someone who likes to share things or write, but what I liked, even more, was that one of the questions my mum was asked was what she liked about me. She said – “Her unfailing family loyalty.”
This was really special. When I moved to Hong Kong more than 10 years ago, I made a commitment to myself to always keep my strong connection to my family. I work really hard to make sure that we stay connected, despite being so far away. That compliment made me realise that all the effort really pays off, because now I know how much it means to my mum too. If you ask me what I’d like to be remembered (or noticed) for, it would be for being someone who really cares about people.
Complimenting A Woman About Thoughtfulness
– Daisy Costello, Art Director
I was recently told that I was very good at choosing thoughtful gifts. Living abroad and away from friends and family, I often worry that I forget friends’ birthdays or I am not able to keep in touch as much I would like to. Being complimented about my thoughtfulness meant a lot to me because it showed that my loved ones know that I am thinking of them.
Complimenting A Woman About Determination
– Mansha Channa, Partnerships Manager
One of my friends told me that I was very determined and persistent. It wasn’t something I had recognised in myself and hearing this lovely compliment has helped me to not give up even though trying times this past year.
Read more: Inspiring Quotes From Our That Mamas
Complimenting A Woman About Hard Work
– Alex Purcell Garcia, Editor
My husband was proud of me for putting my mind to the task of completing my journalism studies and working hard to become an editor. I definitely don’t find studying easy and can get easily distracted! I’m happy that he noticed how hard I worked to achieve my goal.
Now that I am an editor, I find quite often that we are like artists. We put a lot of time and energy into creating something that we’re proud of. At the same time, we are our own biggest critics! So it’s always nice when a friend, colleague or my husband says, “Oh, I saw your article the other day. I enjoyed it, well done!”.
Complimenting A Woman About Professionalism
– Emily Chu, Partnerships Manager
While I was working with a new potential client at my previous company, I spent a lot of time addressing his concerns, answering his queries, etc. It went on for quite a few days. At one point, he asked me whether I owned the company. He was surprised to find that I was just a staff member and added that the owner of the firm was really lucky to find an employee like me.
It made me happy to know that my effort was being appreciated and valued. A little patience on my part went a long way and meant a lot to this client. I like to be noticed for going the extra mile for friends, clients or family.
Complimenting A Woman About Leadership
– Jess Mizzi, Editor
My friends have often complimented me on my organisational skills. So much so that, after a recent holiday, a few gave me the nickname – GSD. Any guesses what that means? Someone who knows just exactly how to “Get Sh*t Done”! I’m not sure how much of a compliment it is, but I’ll take it!
Read more: Building Confidence: How To Demand And Get More
Complimenting A Woman About Fairness
– Vicky Huffey, Managing Director
The nicest compliment I have ever received was that I’m very non-judgmental and great in a crisis. It was really nice to hear that because everyone needs someone they can lean on at times. The world is often too busy or too wrapped up in itself to give people space to be themselves, good or bad. As a professional (and even in my personal life), I want to be remembered as someone who is supportive, caring and fair with people.
Complimenting A Woman About Energy
– Elle Noble, Partnerships Manager
I have been told I have good energy. It’s great to know that I can have an impact on those around me and my presence spreads a good vibe. I have many friends around me that I find inspiring because of their kindness and commitment to helping others. I hope that this is something I could be remembered for too.
Complimenting A Woman About Humour
– Anita Balagopalan, Editor
Though he isn’t given to many displays of affection, my husband once paid me the nicest compliment! He said the most attractive thing about me was my madness and that he hopes our kids inherit it.
I wasn’t sure if it was a back-handed compliment, so I asked him what he meant. He says that it’s great that I don’t take life (or myself!) too seriously. My unique strain of madness gives me the ability to find humour in any situation and my impulsiveness often lands me, and those around me, in unpredictable and funny situations. He believes that life with me is often like living in the pages of one of PG Wodehouse’s books. I was thrilled because he is (as you may have guessed!) my all-time favourite author.
Read more: Teacher Recommendations: Books For Reluctant Readers
This special series in honour of International Women’s Day is brought to you in partnership SoFi Hong Kong, the $0 commission trading app and contains editorial and sponsored posts celebrating women in Hong Kong. For more such stories, please click here.