Departing from the traditional classroom structure of the ‘one size fits all’ model, Stamford American School – Hong Kong is here to bring out the best in every child with individualised learning plans
Every child deserves to be treated as an individual, and their education is no exception, right, mamas? If you’re nodding your head and are busy deciding which school is best for your child, Stamford American School – Hong Kong is one well worth considering.
At Stamford, devoted teachers recognise that every child progresses through the same material at different speeds. Individualised learning plans ensure each student receives the instruction and resources they need to maximise their potential for success. We love this unique approach, positioning your child first and at the forefront of education in Hong Kong.
So what exactly do differentiated learning plans involve? From age 5, all Stamford students undergo standardised Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) assessments in Reading, Math and Science. MAP® results are externally assessed and benchmarked against U.S. and international norms, allowing individualised learning plans to be delivered based on each student’s instructional level.
Administered twice a year, MAP® testing also encourages your child’s academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year. The outstanding results at Stamford’s sister school in Singapore is a testament to this. A couple of highlights from their 2016 assessments? Stamford’s Grade 4 students performed at the benchmark level of Grade 6 students in Math, and their Grade 5 students performed at the benchmark level of Grade 8 students in Reading… Now we’ve got your attention!
As if this wasn’t enough, Stamford’s Leveled Reading Program from Pre-Primary (Kindergarten) through to Grade 5 means every student receives an individualised reading program. Your child’s reading levels and growth will be determined through regular in-class testing with the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). There’s even a levelled library in every classroom, the perfect setting for promoting a lifelong love of reading and increased literacy. Your child will have a wealth of books and resources at their fingertips… including levelled reading programs in Science and Engineering!
By the time your not-so-little-one is in Grade 8, there’s an option of pre-university testing. Together these programs prepare Stamford students for success in the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and it’s led 90% of their Singapore campus graduates to be accepted at their first choice university or college. If you want to ensure your child is stretched and stimulated as they progress, and at a level that they are comfortable with, look no further than Stamford!
Come see what all the fuss is about at their Open House events on Wednesday, 26 October and Thursday, 27 October! Stamford American School – Hong Kong welcome you to join their upcoming Open House and Free Playgroups (for children aged 1-5). Places are limited so make sure to register online or email [email protected].
Stamford American School – Hong Kong will be located on 25 Man Fuk Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The admissions office is at Two Exchange Square, Level 40, 05-07, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong. Email admissions@sais
Stamford American School Hong Kong is currently unregistered. Provisional registration of a school with the Education Department Bureau has been applied for but is currently pending approval. The opening of the school is subject to approval of the provisional school registration by the Education Bureau.
*Stamford American School – Hong Kong will apply to the International Baccalaureate for program candidacy in December 2017.
Brought to you in partnership with Stamford American School – Hong Kong