Investing in a top-quality breast pump that suits your needs can make expressing more efficient, comfortable and possible.
The breast pump: Giving mamas who struggle to breastfeed the chance to still feed their bub nutritious, immune-boosting breast milk. Whether you’re unhappy with your breast pump or are about to invest in one for the first time, look no further than the range from Philips AVENT.
Our Sassy Mama editor, Kat, knows first-hand the stress that so many of us experience with breastfeeding. “Breastfeeding was something I always envisioned to come easily to me,” she says. “Maybe it was because of all the movies I saw where the beautiful bond between mama and babe seemed to flow so naturally. After the birth of my firstborn, I realised quickly that breastfeeding was not what I could ever prepare for or expect. My son had difficulty latching and I ended up with the dreadful mastitis. To keep my baby boy fed and so I could heal (and to maintain my sanity!), I decided to pump using the Philips AVENT Double Electric Pump. He took to the AVENT bottle a lot better than the breast and it just made perfect sense for me to continue down that path.”
There will come a time when all mamas will need to step out for a dinner date or an afternoon out and leave their bubba with a loved one or babysitter. Using a breast pump can ensure that baby is fed and content with mama’s milk. No judgement at all, mamas! Whatever method your babe is fed, as long as they’re fed, it’s happy days for all. Before you decide on what type of pump to purchase, it’s important to consider a few factors that include your comfort levels, the frequency and need for each pump session and flexibility of your schedule. Though there are many styles, there are two main categories: electric and manual.
A manual breast pump is great if you will only be away from your baby occasionally and your milk supply is well established. Not having to be plugged in, it’s extremely convenient to pump wherever you are while controlling the suction rate yourself. They are definitely more discreet, lighter and affordable than electric pumps. With no motorised sound, your babe can sleep in peace as you pump! One thing you should note is that a manual pump may not be as efficient as an electrical one as it does take more time to express your milk. However, if you’re traveling long haul and need to express milk, this is the perfect choice for those who fly.
An electric breast pump is a great choice for the mamas who need to express often and on schedule (Sassy Mama editor, Kat’s personal fav!). The double breast pump is ideal for mamas who pump milk regularly as it helps stimulate milk production while reducing pumping time by half. The pre-set suction levels allows the pump to mimic your baby’s sucking pattern. The electric pumps are definitely more of an investment compared to the manual pump and they also require an electrical outlet to work.
At the end of the day, you want to make sure your bubba is fed. Take time to figure out your feeding schedule, whether you’re going back to work or not and decide if having a manual or electric pump works better for you.