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Sassy Mama DIY: How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies — Naturally!

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This tip for getting rid of fruit flies is probably something you’ve come across before, but perhaps never tried… That was me at least, until recently when my fruit fly situation went from occasionally annoying to seriously, they’re starting to swarm! If you keep a lot fresh fruit and veg out, you know how it can get!


I remembered hearing about using apple cider vinegar to trap fruit flies, so I set out a jar to see if I could trap a few. As my husband’s watching me pour in the vinegar in the jar he says, “doesn’t the phrase say you catch more flies with honey?”. This of course sparks a big debate and sets in motion… The Great Fruit Fly Experiment!


We set three trap jars side by side: honey, fruit and apple cider vinegar. The next morning, it was immediately obvious who had won (not the flies for sure!). These little guys had zero interest in the sweet smell of honey. Maybe the fruit wasn’t rotten enough for them, but I really don’t want to keep a jar of rotting fruit on my counter. In the end, it was all about the apple cider vinegar. They couldn’t resist it!


Here’s the thing, it’s almost too effective. I kept the jar out all day and having to watch them wriggle around in the vinegar started to get depressing, so I added an onion skin to act like a life raft. That way I could release them outside… and most likely have them all fly back in again! But at least I wouldn’t need to use a bug spray in the house… so we all win. If you have fruit flies pestering you, give this one a try and see if it works for you too!


Apple Cider Vinegar Fruit Fly Trap


  • glass jar
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • onion skin peel (totally optional)
  • cling wrap
  • rubber band
  • toothpick


  1. Pour the vinegar in the jar (with or without the onion skin life raft).
  2. Place the cling wrap over the jar.
  3. Hold it down with a rubber band.
  4. Poke two or three holes through the cling wrap with a toothpick. They’ll get in, but can’t make their way out.
  5. Set the jars anywhere you see fruit flies.
  6. Every few days, pour out the vinegar, release the flies and wave to the neighbours as they wonder what you’re up to.
  7. Replenish with a new batch until the problem subsides. For me, two jars did the trick!


militzaMilitza Maury is the multi-tasking mama behind Little Green Dotwhere she offers simple and fun ways to bring green living back into our modern, busy lives. Militza comes from a background in creative design, and is a big believer in embracing a handmade life. She teaches simple recipes, tips and ideas to make it easier for us to reconnect, and make better, healthier choices.

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