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8 Fun And Creative Elf On The Shelf Ideas For Christmas

Elf On The Shelf Christmas
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It’s time to bring out Elf On The Shelf! Keep the magic of Christmas alive for your little one with a helpful little scout elf!

Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition that we all know and love. Not only does it provide hours of fun and entertainment for the kids; it’s also a way to teach them valuable lessons. There are so many ways that you can make visits by your elf interesting and fun and having an elf as part of your family doesn’t always have to involve a lot of time and effort. We’ve rounded up some easy ideas that you can pull off using household items, so let your creative juices flow and watch your little ones’ faces light up when they discover Santa’s helper from the North Pole!

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Sassy Mama number peach 1Exercise with Elf On The Shelf

Healthy living and habits are something we all want to instil in our little ones. In no time, they will become little yogis just like your magical annual house guest.

At some point, they will be old enough to add weights to their daily exercise. After all, if the elf can do it with a couple of marshmallow weights, so can the littles!

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Sassy Mama number peach 2Elf On The Shelf Play Time

Get creative and use fridge magnets, dolls, lego or toy bathtubs to create scenarios for the elf to be discovered in; it will get a laugh from the kiddies every time!

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Sassy Mama number peach 3Get Crafty With Elf On The Shelf

When you have a child who loves arts and crafts, you will surely find something or other that will come to the rescue when you’re strapped for ideas. If you have a packet of stickers with “googly eyes”, this one is easy to recreate. It may not be the easiest to discover though, so wait for a weekend to have your child go nuts looking for your elf, before thinking to look in the fridge.

Use a chalkboard or whiteboard, along with playdough or cotton wool to help your elf get creative if he is in the mood for crafting himself.

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If your kiddo wants to touch and play with the elf but you still want to keep the story alive, use this “Glove” that allows them to play with him without making him lose his magic! And if you haven’t watched the movie with the kids, we recommend you check it out!

Sassy Mama number peach 4Life Lessons By An Elf On The Shelf

It’s no surprise that a lesson coming from an elf is more easily accepted than a lesson coming from a mama. Your little ones are sure to be more responsible and better behaved if they think someone is watching them, so make sure to use your elf to your advantage! There are tons of free printables out there like this warning. Get what you need here and tailor it to suit your family elf.

Sassy Mama number peach 5Elf On The Shelf Travel Buddy

While travelling, make sure to take your elf with you. He is part of your family, after all! It might mean that you won’t have much to work with, but it’ll still be worth it! You can also use the sugar sachets from the hotel minibar to make snow angels! If you’re catching an early morning flight back, don’t make the search very elaborate. Stick your elf in your child’s bag and say that he was afraid of being left behind! Elves are very accommodating that way and don’t mind roughing it out, crammed into any small space they can find.

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Elf On The Shelf Floss

Sassy Mama number peach 6Practice Good Hygiene With Elf On The Shelf

This is a great one when you want to instil good hygiene habits in your little ones. Tangle your elf up in dental floss and leave it in the bathroom next to the toothbrush stand for the kids to find just like this.

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Elf On The Shelf Virtual Meeting

Sassy Mama number peach 7Elf In A Virtual Meeting

Our little ones are all too familiar with video calls and virtual meetings (especially if they’ve had online classes in the last couple of years!) Download a free image, have it open on your laptop or tablet and place your elf in front of the screen.

Elf On The Shelf Breakfast Kids Christmas Hong Kong

Sassy Mama number peach 8Breakfast With Elf On The Shelf

There’s nothing better than having a good breakfast with a new friend from the North Pole! Whether your little one loves waffles, pancakes, bagels or cereal, simply make it with classic red, white and green Christmas colours using this guide and watch your kiddo have the best time. You could also make the elf pop out of your child’s favourite cereal box!

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Editor’s Note: “Elf On The Shelf: Fun And Creative Ideas This Christmas” was originally written by Tarana Desai Shah and most recently updated by Sassy Mama in November 2022.

Main image courtesy of Getty, images 1 to 8 courtesy of Tarana Desai Shah, images 9 to 11 courtesy of The Elf On The Shelf.

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