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Building Social and Emotional Intelligence in our Children

little seeds
LearnPost Category - LearnLearn - Post Category - SchoolsSchools

Help your child grow in their social and emotional competency at Little Seeds’ learning centre

Whether you grew up in Hong Kong or not, we can all agree that raising our children in an international city that puts academic success on a pedestal is a uniquely challenging environment for our children to be living in. Social and emotional learning is as important for our children’s development as are other areas of learning especially in a rapidly changing world. Thankfully, children can now learn the skills to thrive no matter the context at Little Seeds (Social and Emotional Education Specialists) learning centre.

Little Seeds’ mission is for children to learn about emotions, relationships, problem-solving and trying their best…whilst having fun! Program Director, Morgan Ragonnet, has taught children of all ages over the past 10 years. Informed by her background in Sociology, Social Psychology and Counselling, she saw the huge potential for all children to enjoy better wellbeing, relationships, and drive both in and beyond the classroom.

Through group classes, the Little Seeds team uses their multidisciplinary qualifications and experience to help young children manage their emotions while engaging with their peers and family. As children grow up in an increasingly complex world, Little Seeds supports them to be more adaptable, resilient and to make positive choices for self and others.

If these skills are something you’re hoping your little one develops, Little Seeds provides Social and Emotional Learning annual programmes for ages 3.5 to 7. In a structured, fun and engaging setting, your kiddos will get to interact with thoughtful and caring teachers who will teach them strategies on how to regulate their emotions. 

Little Seeds integrates Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum which covers five competencies, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. Each programme is customised to the students’ needs and is definitely not a cookie-cutter programme!

The upcoming Winter Workshop, Rudolph’s Little Helpers for ages 4 to 8, is a five day programme which focuses on giving, grace and gratitude with an entertaining and playful seasonal twist.

All the details…

Little Seeds Annual Programmes
Ages: 3.5 to 7 years
Duration: 1 hour
Admission: Ongoing, for more information click here

Rudolph’s Little Helpers Workshop
4 to 8 years
Date: Monday, 11 – Friday, 15 December and Monday, 18 – Friday, 22 December
How much: $2450 per 5 day programme

We’re definitely on board with helping our little ones develop the awareness and competencies to adapt, thrive and contribute as members of society! Make sure to check out Little Seeds’ upcoming programmes on their website below.

Little Seeds, Room 703, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, 2110 1909

Brought to you in partnership with Little Seeds

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