When I think of a bear one word springs to mind… run! Jill Robinson has the opposite reaction and has dedicated the past two decades of her life to providing sanctuary for mistreated moon bears in Asia. Founded in 1998 the Animals Asia team has been rescuing bears since 1994.
Jill’s unyielding efforts have seen the Foundation grow into a highly respected international NGO with 300 staff and award-winning sanctuaries that are home to over 400 rescued bears.
2013 was a whirlwind year for Jill who was awarded the Hong Kong People’s Choice award in November but she sees this as just the beginning. We love animals at Sassy HQ and thought we could help her on her moon bear mission by spreading the word!
So what exactly is bear bile farming and why does it need to stop?
In China and Vietnam over 12,000 bears are held in tiny cages and subjected to inhumane bile extraction methods. This ingredient is predominantly used in herbal and traditional medicine. Not only do the bears suffer great duress… but the bile is also contaminated! There are over 50 substitutes available that work just as well and research proves that the bile from these farms is harmful to human health… so in the end no one wins.
What is Animals Asia doing to help?
With headquarters in Hong Kong, and offices in Australia, China, Germany, Italy, the UK, US and Vietnam, the Animals Asia team is making the whole world aware of animal welfare in Asia. In addition to saving bears, they are ending the cat and dog food trade and putting a stop to abusive practices in zoos and safari parks!
What can you do to help?
We all know it only takes one person to make a difference and Jill proves that this is true. The Animals Asia team is always looking for volunteers and general support… because sometimes one person is all that it takes! So spread the word, host a party, produce and sell something (Stella McCartney created a cute t-shirt for their 15th anniversary!) or sponsor a bear! And if all that seems like too much effort then you can simply click here to make a donation. Easy peasy!