Children are great at picking up languages at the speed of light but what happens if you’re not a bilingual mama? We all do our best to raise clever tiny tots and help them out with foreign language school work, but let’s be honest… it’s a lot harder than it looks! Watching movies, reading books and listening to music in a foreign language are all great activities but they don’t really get the results we’re looking for, so what’s a mama to do?
Call the experts of course! On our hunt for some learned linguists we stumbled across GAIA Language, a company founded by three professional mothers in 2013. These multilingual mamapreneurs hunted down top-notch professors to create an experienced, qualified, and professional foreign language teaching team! Their classes cater to children and adults so why not get the whole family involved and make the most of living in a culturally rich city like Hong Kong?
The facility is spacious and easily accessible, perfect for busy mamas on the go, and all the classes are unique to Hong Kong. They cover American Children’s Classics, Better Business English, Chinese and Spanish and even have a parent-child class too! Choose from four languages; Chinese, Spanish, English and even Latin for you and your little one to learn, all based on engaging and interactive activities… no boring sighs here mama!
If your child is finding Chinese tough, why not try out the specially designed CSL programme that teaches Chinese as a second language? And if you’re looking to scrub up your business skills why not take some time to learn how to present properly in Chinese too!
Or maybe you fancy scrubbing up on you and your children’s Spanish skills? GAIA Language have the only young learner’s Spanish language curriculum designed in Spain based upon the European Language Portfolio. All the classes are taught by highly qualified and experienced Spanish-nationals who will make sure your accent is muy bueno!
GAIA Language also teach Latin and English, now we know Latin might seem a little old fashioned mama, but did you know that about 60% of all English words derive from Latin?! Nope, neither did we! And if that’s not an excuse to brush up on the classics than we don’t know what is!
So there you have it mama all the scoop you need on the new language school in the big 852. The teachers focus on the student’s potential, the classrooms are spacious and the programmes are stimulating to boot. And there’s more! GAIA Language is running a promotional campaign for all first-time students, so sign up now mama and don’t miss out! You’ll get a full refund if you’re not satisfied within the first two weeks of class so you really have nothing to lose!