We recently had a few unwanted guests at our house….a family of humidity-loving teeny teeny teeny tiny bugs. Needless to say, this discovery put me into quite a mood, and I instantly went on the hunt for who to call and what to do to get this sorted….fast. Fortunately (or not so fortunately, actually) – a dear friend recently had a similar insect issue and she knew exactly who to call. And I’m happy to report it’s a safe and eco-friendly solution.
“Pest control” and “safe” are not usually said in the same breath, I know. My vision of an exterminator is a dude in a hazmat suit. So it was quite a surprise to learn that there is such a thing as ecological pest control. It was even more of a surprise to learn that it was available in Hong Kong.
The reality of Hong Kong is that it is a humid, sub-tropical environment – with bugs. Lots of ‘em. And sometimes they end up in your house – that’s just part of life. The good news is that there’s a safe solution to get rid of the unwanted creepy crawly critters – BioCycle.
Safe Exterminators
With a number of tailor-made packages to treat and prevent a wide range of pest problems, BioCycle offers an ecological alternative that is safe for humans and for warm-blooded animals (sorry, Swimmy). Their line of Swiss-formula pesticides (which has a very low active dose of active ingredients) is biodegradable, non-staining, non-flammable, and targets only cold blooded insects – meaning you don’t have to leave the treated areas after spraying. It’s also odorless and free of nasty VOC’s (that would be volatile organic compounds – and you don’t want those).
A quick chat with them and they knew exactly what my problem was and what to do – 4 super quick sprays of our place over the next couple of weeks was all it would take. Brilliant. Done.
Today was their second visit and so far so good. The little guys have been gone since the first spray. Even though it’s safe for everyone but the bugs, I still put our toothbrushes in a drawer and the fruit on the counter in the fridge – but otherwise I didn’t have to prep a thing. And while Hubby and our helper Olive went on with life as usual while the crew was here, I opted to bring little J to the pool for an hour, just to be on the safe side. Hey, I’m a mom – worry is what we do best sometimes, right?
BioCycle, 3575-2575 / [email protected]