I first came to homeopathy many years ago when I was endlessly sick and tired of going to doctors who could not tell me what was wrong with me; eventually it was a homeopath/naturopath who got to the route of the problem. Since then I have been a massive convert and as such, trained myself as a homeopath. I now have a happy and healthy family with two gorgeous daughters who ask for “mummy medicine” over anything else and continuously amaze me with their robust health and strong vitality.
So what do you know about homeopathy? Did you know that it is a complete and holistic system of medicine that considers the mental, emotional and physical aspects of the individual? Homeopathy treats the whole person, not just the disease, and has a remarkably effective approach to restoring health and vitality. Within this context, homeopathy has the ability to treat most modern-day acute and chronic complaints.
More and more, we live in a toxic and stressful world; allergies and disease appears to be on the rise, as is the use of prescribed medicine. Increasingly, however, there are people out there who seek out an alternative route, another way to bring themselves or their family back to good health. By using natural methods, the body is allowed to develop its own natural immune system, thus making it stronger for the next time illness strikes.
The remedies are 100% toxic-free, totally safe and easy to use and can, over time, become the first port of call when you or someone close to you is sick either physically or emotionally. As your confidence in the abilities of the remedies to heal you grows, so does your confidence in the ability to manage your health – allowing you to take personal responsibility of your own body rather than leaving it in the hands of someone else.
So with what and how exactly could homeopathy help you?
Well for starters many people have heard of Arnica, the magical cream that gets brought out after a bump or knock of any kind. Arnica really, truly is the number one cream and remedy to have in the first aid cupboard. It acts to bring down bumps and bruises but it can also be used for shock & trauma and is excellent to use post surgery or any dental work.
Here are a few more frequently used remedies:
Belladonna is the next remedy to keep in the cupboard. This is our homeopathic equivalent to Calpol! Given at regular intervals, its role is to manage fevers and ultimately bring them down.
Chamomilla is another essential one for those with small children. This is the closest we get to a painkiller and it can work like magic for those sore gums as a result of teething.
Gelsenium is a fabulous flu remedy, the kind when all your muscles ache and just standing up feels impossible. Taken in conjunction with plenty of Vitamin C and Echinacea, it can help you recover much faster.
Pulsatilla is great for those children who will not let go of mummy’s skirt, the ones who cry when you leave them at school and are clingy and difficult with changeable moods.
Homeopathy has a wide range of remedies at its fingertips, dealing with both the acute and chronic conditions. By working in conjunction with a homeopath you can learn to use the remedies at home for most acute situations.
If you wish to find out more, I will be running a series of workshops teaching and training the art of homeopathy for first aid in the next coming months – get in touch for more details!