Sometimes (okay, most times), Mama does know best…
Here at Sassy Mama we are all about empowering women. And who else to thank for our #yougogirl attitude than our own mums? We want to take this moment to share why we admire them, what they have done to inspire us, and the words of wisdom they shared that have kept us going throughout the years. Happy Mother’s Day, Mamas!
Shaneli Dadlani, Digital Editor
The one thing I admire about my mama is her ability to juggle demanding parents, in-laws, husband and kids without breaking a sweat! And it’s also the reason why my mom-ager’s number is saved as “Kris Jenner” in my phone…
Mansha Channa, Partnerships Manager
My mum has always inspired me to be a better, stronger, and kinder version of myself. She has taught me how to use my inner strength to navigate through any obstacle I face. I am so grateful for all of the values she has instilled in my siblings and me, especially teaching us to look at the glass as half full, and to appreciate all that we have been blessed with. I cherish her so much more now that I have my own children, and I realise how much time, patience, dedication and commitment goes into raising kids right. She always reminds me that life isn’t about ‘things,’ it is about experiences and creating beautiful memories with those you love. Thank you mum for always pulling me up when I am down, you are my biggest inspiration, my best friend and my role model. I love you! Happy Mother’s Day.
Kat Lau, Sassy Mama Editor
I have always admired my mama for her selflessness, consideration of others and her sincerity to everyone she comes across. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and is always up for a good laugh even if it’s at her own expense! She has always inspired my siblings and me to do our very best and to dream big. No matter what we wanted to pursue, whether it was a “traditional” career or not (most often not!), she has always been our biggest cheerleader. Having lived away for almost nine years, I can always count on her daily WhatsApp messages to check in and see how we’re doing over in HK. I am so grateful to have her in my life. I appreciate, love and aspire to be more like her each day. Happy Mother’s Day, mom, I love you!
Maura Thompson, Sassy Media Group Co-Founder
My mom inspires me to enjoy my life more and be present in what I am doing. She hasn’t gotten caught up in the whole Facebook and WhatsApp way of obsessively checking/communicating. She dedicates a certain time of day to answering her emails, which means she is totally present with whomever she is with (or even totally present with one activity if she is having alone time). She always says that she feels for women of my generation, because so many of us are caught up in the whole ‘gotta do it all, gotta be perfect’ mentality (with so much Pinterest worthy inspiration around us). And I absolutely get caught up in all of this, so I often need to remind myself that being present is more important than doing it all, and sometimes ‘done’ is better than ‘perfect.’ And when I need to remind myself I always think, “What would Una (my mama’s name) do?” And usually I just enjoy whatever moment I am in, and don’t stress about being everything to everyone in that very point in time.
Surmayee Tetarbe, Partnerships Manager
The thing I admire the most about my mama is her striking ability to keep her class and composure, no matter the circumstance. Whether it’s hosting a fab dinner party at our house or taking care of family in difficult situations, my mama has an unwavering strength and calm in her that I wish I had even an ounce of. I truly admire her ability to be grounded no matter what life throws at her – she’s really inspired me to take a step back, breathe, and be grateful for whatever life has given me, regardless of how stressed out I may be!
Tania Shroff, Sassy Mama Assistant Editor
My mum is someone I admire for all the clichéd reasons (you know, food, shelter, education, life… the basics), but I am most thankful to her for showing me the meaning of selflessness. Since she was a teenager (yup, you read that right!), she’s devoted her time to supporting people with different abilities. Her company, SENsational Consultancy, enables equal work opportunities for people with disabilities by exploring the positive impacts of awareness and acceptance. It’s been so rewarding (and inspiring) to watch how the work she does is creating a more diverse and inclusive community. Sometimes it feels like she’s a mother figure for half of Hong Kong, yet somehow, she always finds the time and energy to give. From working tirelessly, to sacrificing the last piece of cake, selfless is definitely a word I’d use to describe her.
Beatrice Hug, Designer
My mother treats it as her personal life mission to make sure that everyone around her is at all times perfectly content. There is not a child that enters her home that doesn’t leave without a full stomach and three extra slices of cake. There is not a person waiting in the rain that doesn’t get offered a lift, no matter their destination. While I sometimes wish she would spend more time thinking of herself, if I am just half the kind-hearted and selfless person she is, I think I’m doing more than okay.
Elle Noble, Partnerships Manager
I’ve always admired my mum for her strength and determination. My mum often reminds me that we choose our own destiny and I am lucky enough to have options and the freedom to choose. There have been many times that I’ve leaned on my mum for her strength and support. She always reminded me that sometimes in life things might not be going your way, sometimes you’ll hit a rock in the road (or maybe even a mountain), and when that happens you have the choice to sit defeated in the shadow of the mountain, or you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and climb right over it.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there!