Listen up, Mamas, if you’re feeling run down lately, we’ve found a fantastic all-natural boost for you! Wheatgrass has been scientifically proven to facilitate and speed up the natural healing process, which is why we’re excited to announce the launch of Dr. Wheatgrass in Hong Kong!
Produced by Dr. Chris Reynolds, a GP based in Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Wheatgrass stocks a variety of products including a range of skin recovery creams and rich SuperBalms. The one product we highly recommend, however, is the antioxidant Dr. Wheatgrass SuperShot which contains a natural, specially formulated antioxidant-rich extract derived from organically grown fresh wheatgrass sprouts. They include numerous biological actives that have the power to restore and maintain energy and stamina, giving your immune system a much-needed boost.
If you need a healthy shot of energy and vitality, these supplements are the perfect all-in-one dose to support your diet and lifestyle. Dr. Wheatgrass SuperShots contain more than three times the antioxidant levels of fresh wheatgrass juice. All you need is one 5ml shot a day to feel the difference!
If you’re not partial to the taste of wheatgrass, don’t worry — these SuperShots are specially formulated with a tangy citrus flavour to go down that much easier. The all-natural ingredients are extracted from organically grown wheatgrass sprouts and are completely gluten-free. What’s more, you can order a whole month’s supply with just one small bottle — perfect for working mums, kids and travellers!
Dr. Wheatgrass is offering a special deal for Sassy readers — 10% off your purchase of $600 or more on their website. If you’re not so much of a spontaneous shopper, like their Facebook page or their Instagram to get a trial sample, at no cost!
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