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Sassy Mama’s Toddler Takeover: Nail Salon Edition

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Nailed it!

Let’s face it mamas, we barely have time to do much these days between getting our kiddos ready for the new school year, let alone plan to squeeze in a proper manicure. Well, if there’s one thing that can kill two birds with one stone, then that’s getting your nails done at home by your mini manicurist.

In this edition of our toddler takeover, our brave co-founder, Maura and contributor Simone offered up their nails for a fresh coat of paint that may or may not have landed on the actual nail. Regardless of the outcome, we’d say that these littles definitely nailed it. Colouring within the lines is so overrated anyway!

Maura and Eve

Maura and Evie

Having a 7-week old in the house has meant pampering sessions have been pretty non-existent so I have been rocking the ‘natural’ look for quite some time now. So, one morning I made a stop at ‘Evie’s Nail Salon’ which just so happened to be one bedroom down from mine for some nail TLC.

Maura flat lay of nail polishs

The owner of Evie’s Nail Salon is an adorable 2.5 year old who just opened for business but was confident she could add some pizazz to my distressed nails (and let’s face it, her prices are cheap). That morning she was against the whole matchy-matchy look so instead of going for the same colour on both hands she experimented with a mix of purple and pink on one hand and blue and mint on the other.

Evie painting Maura's nails

While her painting technique was way outside the lines, the service was very enthusiastic and her nail drying knowledge was on point as she told me to put my hands on my knees and not to move so they could dry.

Maura's final product

Best of luck “Evie’s Nail Salon”, please book me in for a standing 7am Saturday appointment!

Simone and Sophia

Sophia and Simone

I knew this toddler takeover could be a particularly challenging one, especially since my toddler is only 20 months and she loves painting. I don’t think I could describe her painting methods as dainty or accurate, but I thought I would rise to the challenge and let Sophia have a go at giving me a manicure. I’m not sure who was more confused though when I asked her if she would like to paint mummy’s nails!

Simone's flat lay nail polish

Our concept was toadstools (always start with a concept); I thought she would like the colours of toadstools and spots could look super pretty for summer (and perhaps also be nice and simple for Sophia to master).

Sophia painting Simone's nails

Once Sophia had finished working her magic with the polish brush we were left with something resembling more of an ink blot than a toadstool, but she seemed very pleased with herself. She couldn’t hide her disappointment when I told her she had finished and had done a sterling job – she just wanted to continue decorating mummy’s nails! I saved the day with a magazine that she quite quickly got distracted with, allowing me to clean up the mess. My nerves were on high alert, especially after picking red nail polish (go big or go home, right?).

Simone's nails final product

What was I thinking? Red nail polish, a 20 month old daughter and an expensive camera (safe to say my husband wasn’t at home to talk some sense into me). Trying to record the process was hilarious, and I’m surprised my pictures turned out as good as they did. Maybe it’s worth noting that no marble tables were harmed in the process, but this mama had a basketball sized glass of rosé once Sophia had gone to bed!

Enjoy mamas, these toddlers NAILed it.


Give your toddler full access to your polishes and nails, snap a picture and tag us on Instagram with the hashtag: #smtoddlertakeoverWe may just regram some of your photos!

Featured image via Dreamstime

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