4 things you can do for an instant declutter
As the warm weather is finally making it’s way back, you’ll be inspired to start the spring cleaning in your apartment to match. As you’re on a roll on the rest of your home, take advantage of your newfound energy and give your kid’s rooms a quick sweep as well! It might sound daunting, but there are a few things you can easily clear out of your kids’ bedrooms which will make them cleaner in an instant. And once you’ve tackled the messy bits (with the help of your little ones!), you can get creative and add one or two fun accessories like a fresh bloom or plants to usher in Spring.
1. Start with the floor
Pick everything up that’s lying on the floor. As simple as that sounds, this is the best place to begin. This might only take you five minutes but it makes a world of difference. This is a great time to teach your younger ones to tidy his or her room by themselves. Use easy accessible storage solutions that will help the tidying move along quicker. (Check out our Creative Storage Solutions here!) If your child is old enough, you can set up a schedule and check list where they tidy up their room at the end of every day. The same goes for teenagers (but let’s hope that the good habit of tidying up takes root at a younger age!).
2. Sort Books and Toys
Throw away the toys and books that are falling apart or have missing items and which can no longer be repaired. Then start deciding which toys and books they have grown out of and these can be donated. Often kids have many soft toys, ones they used to cuddle or sleep with. Donating the majority of them will save a lot of space.
(For more ideas on where to donate, read more here.)
3. Winter clothing
Go through the closets and take a closer look at the winter wardrobe. Decide which items are already too small or too warm for the spring weather and give them to a clothing collection bin. Although keep in mind those family trips coming up where you might still need some warmer clothing. If the clothing still fits, finding a separate area to store them away will make more room in the closet and ready for the warmer spring and summer seasons.
4. Papers
It’s incredible how much paper clutter can build up in your little’s room! Tidy up all the loose school papers, notices, drawings and paintings that are lying around. Let’s be honest, mamas, you don’t have to keep every piece of artwork or note from your child. Just select the ones that are special and have a dedicated box where you keep them in. Or if you’d like, you can take a picture to have a digital memory of your kiddo’s artwork. This way the loose sheets are put away and your child’s room is even neater.
Bonus: Add fresh plants or blooms
In the spirit of Spring, add a fresh touch to your child’s room by placing a plant or fresh blooms. Giving them the opportunity to take care of a plant will help them grow in responsibility too!
Happy Spring Cleaning, Mamas!