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Imagine Your Teenage Daughter’s Potential: Words Of Wisdom From Author Denise Manning

teenage daughter potential
ParentingPost Category - ParentingParenting - Post Category - Tweens & TeensTweens & Teens

Raising confident and strong women.

Are you a mother of a teenage girl, and do you occasionally (ok, more than occasionally!) feel concerned and worried? Well, welcome to the club! It’s no surprise that the communication process between a parent and a child can be a difficult one. While every mother tries to be a role model for her daughter, it takes more than just good intentions to get through the complex mind of a teenager. Mums need to be able to provide support and understanding and help their daughters as they figure out their goals and path in life. So how can we help our daughters to realise their full potential?

Read more: Parenting Teenagers: How To Talk To And Understand Your Teens

teenage girl daughter potential

First off, I’m here to tell you to never ever question your daughter’s potential! You just can’t! After all, you are her mother and you don’t want her freaking out or misunderstanding what you’re trying to tell her. Instead:

  • Sit beside her and talk to her
  • Listen to her, like her best friend

It’s important that she lets you know the problems she encounters. If she does, do your best to help her get through them. It’s not easy growing up in Hong Kong, and girls are under a great deal of pressure, so mums, here are a few ways you can help:

6 Tips To Help Your Teenage Daughter Realise Her Potential

Sassy Mama number peach 1 Praise works like a miracle. You can’t imagine how productive it will be if you give positive feedback on her efforts. Let her make her own way, though you can teach her to set high goals and to work hard in order to achieve them.

Sassy Mama number peach 2 Help her avoid the influences of social pressure and peer pressure. Self-esteem is key, so always boost her self-confidence and don’t let her lose her sense of identity.

Sassy Mama number peach 3 Steer her towards appropriate classes. Identify what she does best, regardless of what it is. Every child has his or her own area of expertise. Help your daughter find her interests and build on them.

Read more: Urban Slang Every Mama Should Know

International Women’s Day, imagine your teenage daughters potential

Sassy Mama number peach 4 Keep your expectations realistic. Every parent wants their child to grow up to be ultra-successful, but that can put an enormous amount of pressure on our kids, especially during their teenage years. Be patient, love her for what she does and inspire her towards her goals.

Sassy Mama number peach 5 Resist the temptation to lecture. This can be a hard one, I know! Though we can have the best intentions in mind, harsh lectures can push our kids to lash out and rebel. Instead, try to be supportive and enthusiastic, and act as a positive influence as much as possible.

Sassy Mama number peach 6 Spend more time with her as a friend. Often times, we need to let our mum guard down and get on our kids’ level in order to relate to them and be approachable so they can open up to us. This includes just spending some fun time together, visiting places you’ve never been before in Hong Kong and sparking up a conversation organically.

Read more: Practical Period Advice To Share With Your Teenage Daughters

teenage daughter potential

Finally, remember that when it comes to your teenage daughter’s potential, communication is a process and it’s not always an easy one. Be patient with yourself and your teenager. Imagine her potential and encourage her to keep her goals and dreams in mind when days get tough. Take some deep breaths and realise your little girl is becoming a woman. She may not have found her footing in life yet, but she will get there sooner than you know it!

For more great tips on helping your daughter reach her full potential, check out “Imagine Potential, A Life Coaching Guide to Success for Girls” – available on Amazon.

Read more: Parenting Your Teen (And You!) Through Their First Romance

Editors note: This article was originally published in March 2021 and updated in March 2022. It is brought to you as part of our special International Women’s Day series.

Featured image courtesy of Getty, image 1 courtesy of mentatdgt from Pexels, image 2 courtesy of Rheza Aulia via Pexels, image 3 courtesy of Annushka Ahuja from Pexels

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